A male employee with a phone
Customer Portal

Book waste collections online and get a complete overview of your waste data

All day self-service in Customer Portal

The Customer Portal includes the services: Pickups, Follow up and User management. These services keep you in control of your waste management while also helping you reduce costs and reach your sustainability goals.

Mobile in hand


In the Customer Portal you can book waste collections, view collection schedules and status, and follow up the waste material Stena Recycling is handling for you. 

Two women

Follow up

You can follow up your waste data and create reports, which can be exported and shared with your organisation. Exported reports can be complemented with additional data and graphs to help your recycling become more efficient, reduce costs and reach your sustainability goals.

Two people

User management

As administrator, you can see who in your organisation has access to the Customer Portal. You can also invite new users and set the level of access they have. If your organisation has no designated administrator, contact our support team.

Frequently asked questions


How do I book a collection?
Sign in to the Customer Portal using your user ID and password and click on the “COLLECTIONS” tab. You can now book a waste collection.

How do I arrange collection for waste material that is not listed?
If the material you are looking for is not listed, select Article -> Other. You can then describe the material you want collected in the comments field. Sales/support will contact you if necessary.

Our collection schedule is empty? Do we have nothing that needs collected?
You see your scheduled collections – as well as cancellations– by selecting: Orders -> Emptying schedule

I accidently placed an incorrect order in the Customer Portal, how can I remove it?
Contact your nearest Stena Recycling facility.

In the Customer Portal, it says a collection should have been made but there is no one here. When will you come and make the collection?
Contact your nearest Stena Recycling facility

Where can I see what collection orders have been placed and what their status is?
All collections ordered can be found by selecting COLLECTIONS -> Collection schedule.  Here, you can filter results by item, date and collection address – if you have more than one.

How do I cancel a collection booked in the Customer Portal?
Contact your nearest Stena Recycling facility.

Follow up

I would like an environmental report broken down into items and collections points.
Go to INSIGHTS -> Volume. Here, you will find different types of report to choose from.

We are missing the documentation used to calculate our invoice. Where can I find it?
You will find your invoice in the Customer Portal under STATISTICS -> REPORT: Standard. To download the current invoice, click the fraction the invoice refers to. If you lack authorization, contact your nearest Stena Recycling facility.

I would like to see how much of a specific type of material you collected in the last year?
Under ANALYSIS, you can find a number of reports that provide information based on volumes/fractions.

I would like an annual report based on the materials you have collected for us.
Under FOLLOW UP, you can find different reports, e.g. reports based on the recycling hierarchy, CO2 emissions, costs and volumes.

I can’t see all the statistics regarding my collection point?
If you do not have a specific collection address, contact your nearest branch or customerportal@stenarecycling.se who will help you update your account.

The reports show different numbers in the diagram for volume, the comparison between the report under statistics and the waste hierarchy chart, why is that?
The waste hierarchy is based on underlying calculations. For example: 75% of 100 tonnes of a material goes to material recycling and 25% goes to energy recycling. In the pie chart, the recycling category is based on the R&D code.

I have received a payment from you, where can I find documentation for it?
You will find your records in the Customer Portal. Select Statistics -> report -> standard. To download the current invoice, click on the fraction the documentation refers to to. If you lack authorization, please contact your nearest Stena Recycling facility.

Do the amounts shown in the Customer Portal include VAT?
No, all amounts shown do not include VAT.

User management

How do I create an account login for an employee?
Simply go to User management and click Invite new user.

How do I change a username in the Customer Portal?
Contact your nearest Stena Recycling facility or customerportal@stenarecycling.se 

I'm trying to export statistics to Excel but can't export all the data
There are four different reports under STATISTICS, the most extensive is maxi-extended. If the information you need isn’t there, contact your nearest Stena Recycling facility.

How can I see what information is behind each step of the waste hierarchy?
The waste hierarchy is based on underlying calculations. For example: 75% of 100 tonnes of a specific material goes to material recycling and 25% goes to energy recycling.

I can’t see all my facilities in the customer portal
If you do not have a specific collection address, contact your nearest Stena Recycling facility or customerportal@stenarecycling.se who will help you update your account.

I would like some waste codes, where can I find them?
You can find waste codes under Statistics -> select report -> standard or Maxi-Extended.

Is there a user manual for the Customer Portal?
Add link

I don't know what my customer number is?
You can find your customer number under My profile -> access.

I don't know what my password is? 
If you have forgotten your password, you can alternatively contact customerportal@stenarecycling.se

I am having trouble logging in
Contact customerportal@stenarecycling.se

I am a new user and want to register an account in the Customer Portal
Create an account here

I can’t activate my account
Contact customerportal@stenarecycling.se 


Order pickups on the go

The mobile app offers an efficient way to order collections from your mobile – wherever you are.

If you are often on the move and want to use your mobile phone to order a collection, there is an efficient, easy-to-use collection app that can be downloaded to your phone via a standard web browser.

In the app, you can see all the waste types you deal with and order a collection in a few clicks. To get to the app, use your mobile to scan the QR code or open the app here on the website. You log in with the same account details as the Customer Portal. You can also save the app to your mobile’s home screen, so it will be there among the other apps the next time you need to book a collection.

Order Pickups in mobile app

Order Pickup in mobile app

Where can I find the Emptying App?
Scan the QR code on the website or download the get started guide on the customer portal page.

How do I log in?
You use the same username and password for the customer portal on your computer.

Can I track my collection order in the app?
Yes, however, if you want to see all collected orders for a collection point, go to Past orders in the customer portal.


Do you need support to get started?


How to use the Customer Portal

The Customer Portal includes a wide range of useful services. To help get you started, we have created some step-by-step guides for you to download.

Man with computer

Create a Customer Portal account and download the app

Fill in the contact form and we will send you an activation email within 48 hours.


Get support

To use the Customer Portal, you must have an account. Our support team can help you set up an account and get started.

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