What we offer

As-a-Service – Unlocking business value

2.  Design for added customer value

  • Detail your customer's pain points, needs, and requirements
  • Understand how Product-as-a-Service can help you to deliver added value to your customer
  • Develop a compelling Product-as-a-Service offering

3.  Identify your core assets

  • Map the delivery of your Product-as-a-Service offering
  • Understand how to secure access to the capabilities needed and develop an asset strategy

4.  Build your Product-as-a-Service business case & calculate your customers' total cost of ownership

  • Model the likely financial implication of a PaaS business model to build your business case
  • Understand your customer’s total cost of ownership and assess the financial attractiveness of your offering
The European Commission logotype

Supported by the ERDF

The report and methodology has been developed as a part of the project "Service-based business models - transition to PaaS in practice" funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).