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News & Insights

8 tips for sustainable resource management

Table of energy saved according to fractions

Energy saved when using recycled materials

Percentage energy savings

(Secondary productions compared to primary production)

1. Think ahead

The decisions you make in the purchasing process affect what becomes waste and how much it will be – Consult a recycling expert to help make the right decision.

2. Waste is a resource

Have the correct attitude about residues – Someone’s waste is another’s resources.

3. Optimize your waste logistics

Minimize the movement of material. Do not waste energy moving your waste within the factory.

4. Do not mix material

Proper handling of residual material is to sort and optimize for recycling directly at the source (the fall location).

5. Correct equipment

Remember to have the right equipment, containers that fit the site and clear signs to simplify the recycling.

6. Keep track of statistics

Through a complete recovery statistics you can get a complete picture and can find and follow up on improvements.

7. Increase demand

Use more recycled raw materials in your own production. It increases the market and you contribute to smarter resource utilization and a circular society.

8. Be sustainable together

Through dialogue with a knowledgeable recycling partner, you will understand the entire process so that material flow can be optimized throughout the entire value chain - waste is reduced and may become new resources. Together, you make better decisions.
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