Close-up of an electric motor showing copper windings and other internal components against a black background.
What we offer

Circular business solutions

To achieve Sustainable Development Goals and stay within planetary boundaries, we must decouple growth from resource use. Circular business solutions can enable this and ensure we minimize waste, extend product lifetime and unlock new value streams.

Stena Circular Consulting's key offering areas depicted over an image of nature.

The circular business solutions we at Stena Circular Consulting offer ranges from getting business ready for change to developing and revising strategies and targets to incorporate circularity, to redesigning business models, to ensure circular product and service design, to support with realizing the circular solutions.

An areal shot of a canoe.

Circular readiness

Elevate your knowledge about the circular economy and what it means for your business and identify your untapped value and impact potential
View from above of a tree-filled island in the ocean.

Circular strategy

Stay ahead by exploring trends and the impact of upcoming policies and gain support in stress-testing your strategies, define value potential and incorporate circularity into your business
Clutch disc resting on a metallic surface, ready for installation.

Circular product & service design

Ensure your products and services are designed for practical and profitable circularity - for design for repair, for reuse, for remanufacturing and, at the end-of-life, for recycling
Close-up of tree trunk with visible rings, showing age and growth patterns.

Circular business models

Develop business models that mitigate resource risks and safeguard planetary boundaries, while ensuring financial stability and increasing revenue from services
A roundabout with many cars in autumn.

Circular transformation & change

Get expert guidance in implementing new processes, designing tangible pilots, establishing KPIs, and forging cross-industry alliances to integrate your new circular business ambitions
Three collegues sitting at a table, focused on their laptops, engaged in a professional discussion.

Would you like to know more?

Don't hesitate to get in touch!

A small planet bustling with life, featuring tiny people and intricate buildings.

Discover more

Going Circular - E-Learning

Need to build awareness within the organisation about circular economy? Together with some of Sweden's most successful and sustainable companies we’ve developed an online e-learning course.